Monday, May 25, 2009

The Phaistos Disk and Old Elamite Scripts Deciphered - DOC Version

This is the document (DOC) on which the previously posted Phaistos Disk and Elamite PPT is based. The title of the document is: The Phaistos Disc: An Ancient Enigma Solved: Two corroborative Old Elamite scripts can be deciphered using the Greek syllabic values obtained for the Phaistos Disc by A. Kaulins in 1980.

The Phaistos Disk and Old Elamite Scripts - DOC The Phaistos Disk and Old Elamite Scripts - DOC Andis Kaulins The Phaistos Disc: An Ancient Enigma Solved: Two corroborative Old Elamite scripts can be deciphered using the Greek syllabic values obtained for the Phaistos Disc by A. Kaulins in 1980 [Version 1.1, revised 12 January 2009, adding Appendix 5] - by Andis Kaulins Presented 31 October 2008 at the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PHAISTOS DISK on the 100th anniversary of its discovery in 1908 by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier. Conference location: Society of Antiquaries, London, Burlington House, Piccadilly. Organization and sponsorship: Minerva, the International Review of Ancient Art & Archaeology, Jerome M. Eisenberg, Ph.D., editor.

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